The Gospel Future Fund Leadership Grant is designed to assist churches with seed funding for a Church Apprentice or Church Planting Apprentice for 2 years ($5,000 each year over 2 years).

The purpose of the Leadership Grant

Recent studies into Australian church planting identified the correlation of prior church planting experience and having reasonable expectations on the health and growth of a church plant.

The Leadership Grant will provide grants to encourage church plants to train apprentices and potential church planters post-college.  

Who can apply:

Men: Church Apprentices; 

For men, preference will be given to those who are pursuing church planting, or doing their apprenticeships in a church plant (i.e. a church that has launched in the past 5 years). 

Women: Church Apprentices and bible colleges students.

Those who can apply for the Leadership Grant will fulfil the following criteria:

– Men & Women currently working in, or enrolling for, an apprenticeship (i.e. MTS, MTN, Metro etc.) in a local church context).

– Women who are currently studying at Bible College and are involved in local church ministry.

– Anyone who has not received this funding previously. 

Note: You will not be considered for funding if you do not complete both parts of the church planter self assessment tool, as explained in the application form.

Grant Value:

The Grant will provide funding of up to $5,000 per annum for 2 years.

The 2023 grant round has closed. The 2024 round will open for applications between 16 September – 4 October 2024.

More information and details concerning the grant requirements, including financial arrangements are available by contacting the Gospel Future Fund team: